Catalog of Our Books
WeWrite Kids! Books have been created within boardrooms, classrooms, a
manufacturing plant, and even a bookstore. Children's or teens' creative energies
and honesty are ignited to their fullest potential. "From the mouths of
babes" comes a fresh look at your products or services.
#32 Basketball Fever
By Mrs. Dragoo's 1995-96 Third-grade Class. Pawnee, Illinois Elementary School., Illustrated by Troy Freeman.
Pigs playing basketball? A vacuum-cleaner dog who sucked up potion?
Even Harlem Globetrotters howled over this story, after a game in Springfield, Illinois.
#31 Noot's Toupee Day
By Mrs. Kern's 1995-96 Third-grade Class. Pawnee, Illinois Elementary School., Illustrated by Troy Freeman.
Noot, the class pet slug glowed in the dark but still got lost.
You'll never guess where he was finally found asleep.
#30 Strange Broccoli
By Mrs. Gould's 1995-96 Third-grade Class, Rochester, Illinois School., Illustrated by Melissa Rigg.
A slimy story with broccoli and spinach rain will wet kids' reading appetites.
#29 The Jungle Celebration
By Decatur Celebration '95 Writers., Illustrated by Christy Freeman.
A surprise birthday party in the middle of the jungle in fun for kids anywhere.
#28 To Mars and Back
By Decatur Celebration '95 Writers., Illustrated By Troy Freeman.
Eating bratwursts before a carnival ride triggered a strange trip to Mars for these kids.
They discovered that Mars was really weird.