Catalog of Our Books
WeWrite Kids! Books have been created within boardrooms, classrooms, a
manufacturing plant, and even a bookstore. Children's or teens' creative energies
and honesty are ignited to their fullest potential. "From the mouths of
babes" comes a fresh look at your products or services.
#27 Twinkling Decatur Celebration
By Decatur Celebration '95 Writers., Illustrated by Mason Oller.
People come into stone buildings which come alive in this sparkling tale.
#26 Spotty's Adventure
By Decatur Celebration '95 Writers., Illustrated by Catherine Flynn.
A dog named Spotty gets to live every kids dream.
#25 Trick-Ridin' Rowdy
By Gloria Roesch., Illustrated by Pallavi P. Prasad.
Rowdy finally gets to live her dream in this auto biographical tale.
#24 Mystery Museum
By Susan Wilcox School 1994-95 Fourth-grade Classes, Springfield, Illinois., Illustrated by Jeremy Strawn.
Ghosts in the museum cause quite a stir in this kid-created mystery.
#23 I was SO Stupid
By Mrs. Lester's 1994-95 Third-grade Class. Tri-City Elem. School, Buffalo, Illinois., Illustrated by EJ Miley, Jr.
Some days seem just like this fantastical tale by kids for kids.